Let's stop comparing Gods

(Photo source: Pinterest)

I have met so many good friends who praise what they believe in, be it God or non-God thing. Firstly, they tell what they learnt and what they know. Secondly, they gave me lessons that I can take it. They also gave me reasons to have a belief system and especially they make me believe that in god's grace things turn out to be good and works well if I believe in god. Thirdly, I am so happy that they make me wiser every day. It becomes a source of inspiration to do well in life and collect merits of what is commonly known as "good karma". Wiser means not only we become a storehouse of knowledge but also good in practicing things. Wise people means that are good in deeds as well as in thoughts. Wise means analysing what is learnt and are able to put into practice. I deeply thank those friends who made me wiser every day.
Another part of me always want to educate those people who compare Gods. Gods based on superiority, power, authenticity, script, sizes, shapes, and many more. These are also the people who criticise god based on what they compare gods. Hey, I wanted to say that what matters is lessons that those gods gave, it  doesn't mean that you can who is better. I think the true essence of any religion or being atheists means a same at the end of the story. After all white or black, brown or yellow the human race means the same. Let me tell you why we should not compare each other's God.

Die in same way; Be it in any religion or howsoever devoted, call it death by natural or accident, suffered or peaceful death, on the death bed or into the deep woods, if we do not burn, bury or give it to the birds based on culture or religion we follow, at the end it is going to be a dead flesh smelly faggot. Die in god's hand, insha'Allah or ass doesn't matter. Treat your god as human or alien or what so ever, they died with various stories of disappearing, enlightening, suicide or crucified, they never claimed they are the greatest in the universe, so who the hell are we to judge and level gods in various position. We are common human race dying in the same way after all.

The promise of heaven and hell; this God will take us to heaven or that God will not take is the most stupid lie ever told. Actually, no common people have seen life after death and nor did they return after death. I think it is basically a scarecrow for people who hardly understand essence of religion especially in the past, to those people who were very rigid and dump. Now, time has changed, everyone educated, the promise of heaven or scare of hell is a dumb idea it's time to explain. So different god taking to heaven or hell is neither a good idea nor logical.

Talking about curse and sins; it's so funny that we are born as a sinner or ought to commit sin. A baby who has only learn to cry to convey message to mother, how can we say that a baby is ought to do sin or it's going to be a curse one's family. This looms insane for me. Instead of spending time and nurturing that child and make into a good human, let's not brainwash these young children in saying this god is better and that god is worst. This god or religion will wash our sin and purify us. Let's not talk about it. We may guide but not make them forcefully believe into something they not understand.

Lastly, everyone wants love to be loved, everyone wants to stay happy be it any religion or be it atheist. Through killing(eg jihad) or no killing (non-violence) stop comparing god. God isn't a name to be played or use as a trick. It is to be respected as we do to our god and who we believe in. All god are the same or not but definitely, one religion or one god is never superior to another. It can never be based on the number of followers or the level of faithfulness, devoted or not it can never be superior to one another. Let's stop comparing one another's god and also stop debate on it.
Only then the real peace and harmony shall will experience.
" confidence without clarity is a blunder" by Sathguru.

P.S: The above picture does not signify anything and does not mean to defame any religion. It's completely personal reflection. 
