How did I organize workshop on Blogging and Entrepreneurship
Well, organizing any event need lots of management and planning. Most importantly, the collaboration. Here are some Key strategies that I applied.
Setting goal and objectives
The theme “Get inspired, get skilled” was kept where student will be inspired by the work of the inspiring bloggers in the country and also getting skills to start blogging. Goal setting was essential to increase the efficiency and effectiveness for a desired outcome. So, I followed the Goal Setting model of “the SMART goal”
Specific: We made sure of what we want to do and clear objectives to spread the knowledge of blogging.
Measurable: able to quantify or establish a concrete criterion to accomplish.
Achievable: I was determined and believed that it is possible.
Relevant/ realistic: goal was focused aligned with the mission and vision.
Targeted audience
The focus was on students and Lecturers with passion in writing and thirst for learning. It was also for the people who want to learn as a class than just going online.
“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others” – Tony Robbins
Effective communication will help to build good rapport. I had an exchange of mails with the resource person clearly stating the objectives of the program.
I was inspired by some of the prominent bloggers which I came across social media. One of them was Denkars getaway whom I admired reading her blog and how she portrays her courage as a solo blogger in the country. I started to talk about organizing a workshop with some of my friends and it was a good feedback and some already getting excited. After getting the permission and guidance from the college management, I proceeded to look for potential bloggers in the country, I contacted many of them. Tshering Denkar was one on the top list and Ugyen Lhendup, member of Bhutanese Bloggers Community happily accepted the request to be the resource person. Then making announcement through social media and in morning assembly caught a greater number of people willing to participate.
Looking for the volunteers was not a problem as many of my classmates were ready to volunteer. Setting venue and time so it doesn’t get clash with other programs. I also collaborated with International Youth Committee for the refreshment for the participants.
Registration online made it more effective as I could even gather extra information like the expectation from the workshop.
Time management
Most important to start on time and finish on time.
It's very important that we enjoy success not always as a everything went well but with failures too. Acknowledging people can actually motivate them.
Lastly, its important we grab the opportunities, but more importantly create opportunity if the platform is given. So, college is the best place to practice management and leadership at its infant. Its all about learning. Confucius (450 BC) said, “tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.” If we involve ourselves learning is always fun.
Thank you
You can also read this on sherubtse website
Also refer
Coordinator of Dzongkhag Trash Tag Challenge
Nice one
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