Dasain; The promotion of tradition

Dasain have it's own significance and it's way of celebrating. I have seen that the same Dasain festival is celebrated in various way.  Some may demonstrate the story of Ravana being killed by lord Ram. While some sacrifices the animals in Dasain. 

Just a day before the main Dasain, what we used to do "Maar"  which means to slaughter the sheep for the celebration of Dasain. (usually ghalley will slaughter sheep for the celebration of Dasain) but it differs from cast to cast regarding the selection of animals. Example Chettri or other hight cast people will go with the goat, Rai, mongor, with pigs and many more.

Particularly in our context that is ghalley, sheep is sacrificed where we chop the head of the sheep and collect the fresh blood and keep it inside the house with the sheep head. Sometimes it is also called as "kul puja" or slaughter in the name of god Durga.

Thank you to whoever s/he is who came up with this noble idea, a noble solution to end this sinful act. My grandpa never accepted this change and he remained othordox and my parents (father) who used to slaughter the sheep during Dasain has now stopped killing and not only that he has also changed his beliefs that it was sin. Thanks to my uncle and the community head men who convinced my father and themselves that all we were doing was a sin.
In substitution of sheep we now do with some vegetables making them into an animal shape and doing the same procedure that we do with the sheep. I don't want to go deep into religious beliefs on how we enjoy the suffering of another sentient beings. But to be pragmatic it was a better way, a better choice. How?
1. Less expenditure, no need to buy sheep annually for the the celebration.
2. No sin, if you believe in religion and religious act.
3. Directly or indirectly you won't contribute to the climate change. So at times there is positive contribution to the environment.
4. When you consume less meat, you will also benefit yourself by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

We as a Bhutanese who believes in GNH and it's philosophy have always guided us with good values. I would like to state "We say there is conservation of our culture and tradition" be reminded that we have also promotion too and I think this is how we promote our orthodox culture and tradition.

Let's promote our culture and tradition that brings peace and happiness in all the sentient beings. This is also the responsibility of our generation and our future generations who can make change for the betterment of our society.  The generation we have is more susceptible to change for the well-being of all the sentient beings.
Sorry if I have hurt someone in the interest of my article's pont.

Love each other
Thank you
