Modern Slave Market

The world is a market. Humans are commodities and system a feudal lord. In the quest of money making and search for better life, people have lost their dignity, lost their value, the value of education. It was those times when people were beaten and threaten to death for slavery. Human trafficking was the way of using the power of wealth and position.
Today, the platform gave equality to all but money made it different. The lifestyle attitude lopsided the meaning of living well. Many in dwelling in the metanoia. Many in blinded on the runway of touching the ribbon of money. The power of money has driven the people to dwell in different countries risking their live, throwing their dignity, demeaning the value of education. This is what modern slave were meant for. What does slave have? A dream of getting freedom someday but before that work at hell, impress the Lord, get a bonus, run to the land of freedom.
Lets, talk about Bhutan!
Who slaving us? Who is bullying our youth? None other than our own people. These are the people who are corrupted, not loyal to the Tsa wa sum (King, Country ad the people) Many youth in the promise of offering job were taken to unknown place, some to be sold in brothel. Who did this? Our own people did. Many people were promised to offer visa to go foreign countries only to be found scam. Some organization and agents charging abnormal amount in the name of formalities. Example of BOE collection of 3.414 M taking advantage of innocent youth for visa fees and other cost that were not necessary and in relation of some higher executive working on the self interest work using it’s position. 15 women send to Kurdistan (Iraq) illegally and many more. Cunning people using the weakness of innocence. Shame on those people.
To the people working outside
I don’t mean to hurt your sentiments but know that Bhutanese remains as Bhutanese. Don’t leave the country and forever slave yourself in the paradox of earning and working. Do not leave the country in quenching the thirst of money. The country has invested a lot on individual you, whatever you do, its worth for making a better life but don’t forget to make worth living. Education may lose its value but wisdom remains forever in heart. Come back home safely.
I don’t mean to hurt your sentiments but know that Bhutanese remains as Bhutanese. Don’t leave the country and forever slave yourself in the paradox of earning and working. Do not leave the country in quenching the thirst of money. The country has invested a lot on individual you, whatever you do, its worth for making a better life but don’t forget to make worth living. Education may lose its value but wisdom remains forever in heart. Come back home safely.
PS: if the scenario looks ugly something need to address and change it. Maybe the government can, or a system that need to upgrade: feudal Lord to be wise.
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